Web Developer, Programmer, Cyber Security

Web Developer Programmer Cyber Security
A web developer or programmer is someone who takes a web design – which has been created by either a client or a design team – and turns it into a website. They do this by writing lines and lines of complicated code, using a variety of languages. Web developers have quite a difficult job, because they essentially have to take a language we understand, such as English, and translate it into a language that a computer understands, such as Python or HTML. A programmer works according to the specifications provided by a systems analyst or senior programmer. After completing a program design, a programmer converts the design into a series of codes or instructions that the computer can run and execute, making use of a specific programming language and required platforms. After converting the design to code, a programmer runs the code and looks for bugs and errors. If a programmer finds code errors, appropriate corrections are applied, and the program is re-run. The programmer tries to perfect the code through a process of trial and error until reaching an acceptable error level and continues this process throughout the life of a program, as software and programs are never truly perfect or finished. Cyber security is the practice of defending computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks. It's also known as information technology security or electronic information security. The term applies in a variety of contexts, from business to mobile computing, and can be divided into a few common categories.

“Everybody in this country should learn to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think.” ~ Steve Jobs ~

“The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.” ~ Anonymous ~

“Before software can be reusable it first has to be usable.” ~ Ralph Johnson ~

“There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works.” ~ Alan J. Perlis ~

“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” ~ Bill Gates ~

“In a room full of top software designers, if two agree on the same thing, that’s a majority.” ~ Bill Curtis ~

“A program is never less than 90% complete, and never more than 95% complete.” ~ Terry Baker ~

“If the code and the comments do not match, possibly both are incorrect.” ~ Norm Schryer ~

“Passwords are like underwear: you don’t let people see it, you should change it very often, and you shouldn’t share it with strangers.” ~ Chris Pirillo ~

“If you think your users are idiots, only idiots will use it.”~ Linus Torvalds ~